
How to write a blog as black Friday (Ninja Technique)

Black Fridays

1.Choose your niche
First choose your niche shopping, affiliate product, and your e-commerce store, etc.

2.  Research your keyword 

Keyword is most important in writing a blog post
Keyword research helps to increase your traffic and ranking for
Your blog post.

3. Focus on your title 

Make your title attentive to the blog title  and grab the attention of your
Target audience like “black Friday” deal “sales black Friday.

4. Focus engaging introduction 

This is the important role of writing a blog on a black friday your introduction
Eye-catching to hook your target audience and fact-based content.

5. Giving useful information 

This is the critical role of writing a blog on a black friday your introduction
Eye-catching to hook your target audience and fact-based content.

6. Exclusive offer and deal tips 

Providing valuable tips and advice for the best black Friday deals and relevant offers you share most discount offers and deals.

7. Increase your Visuals  

You need to focus on visuals and video you provide the best image and video to make your boat attractive and more engaging.

8. Give the best online suggestions    

First, do your research and give any suggestions for your audience’s best shopping store website, product, online tool, etc.

9. Your best recommendation and offers     

Giving the best recommendations and offers on Black Friday  you provide big deals and good product reviews and rating 

10. Final your CTA (Call to Action )   

Finally and Last  your main goals and target where your audience land and the website create your best CTA (Call to Action ) 


In conclusion, you choose the sustainable blogs niche and low competition niche you write authentic content maintenance consistency, and you can research properly and build relationships with other bloggers.

FAQ ( Frequently Ask Question )

One of the best ways to find a low-competition blog niche so you can choose a specific topic or subject area that is relevant, making it easy to rank in search engine results and establish authority website.

This part is the most impotence considering low competition blogs niche because there are reasons, your blogs post easily to rank in search engines and have better visibility, a more engaged audience, and easy to monetize your website.

Research the popular niche and select the micro niche you can find keyword research tools to choose your subtopics.

Yes, you can earn money with a low low-competition niche while you have a smaller audience and more target audience, there are many ways to make more money like affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and niche products. 


Examples of low-competition blogs are niche and sustainable living, personal growth for specific demographics, hobbies, niche fitness and wellness, travel destinations, home improvement, and decoration, and gardening.

Make comprehensive, in-depth content that thoroughly covers your niche topic, you can focus on optimation for low-competition keywords, engage the audience, make sure you schedule your blog post and maintain consistency, you consider collaboration within your niche.